Our YouthCARE School Chaplain, Hadassah, has been with us since Term 4 2024. She works two days a week – Monday and Tuesday.
YouthCARE chaplains are there to listen, and provide a supportive place to talk. Chaplains offer confidential, non-judgmental pastoral care and programs based on respect, compassion and service. YouthCARE chaplains are trained in pastoral care, with ongoing training opportunities provided to specialise in critical incidences, community members living in isolation and mental health initiatives.
At Cooinda PS, the Chaplain is a member of the student services team, and provides pastoral care to students, staff and the wider school community, including parents and care givers. Pastoral care covers areas including physical and mental health, social and emotional learning and education, assisting with behaviour management initiatives and emotional support.
Some of the services provided by our Chaplain include mentoring of referred students, class visits, running SEL programs, assisting with school events (including incursions & excursions, drop-ins for chats and support and building relationships with the school community. When required, the Chaplain helps respond to critical incidents as part of the School’s support team. The Chaplain also refers on to outside agencies for things that are beyond his scope and expertise.