Our vision for Cooinda students is to prepare them for the modern world where they are able to thrive in a global society. Cooinda is committed to developing all students to be best prepared for life in the 21st Century.
Success is based on a strong foundation in literacy and numeracy knowledge, and understandings, along with the confidence and competence to use this knowledge in a practical way.
Students will also develop skills in problem solving, working creatively, thinking analytically, interacting and working seamlessly, communicating in multiple multimedia formats, and having qualities of ethics, action and accountability.
Through building and supporting the growth of these skills we aim to develop students with a strong foundation of knowledge, skill and confidence to become positive and productive members of a sustainable, global community.
We recognise that at Cooinda the experience of our teaching staff is extensive and we effectively share this expertise collaboratively. We support the need for developing effective teachers who know their students and demonstrate a commitment to excellence in their practice that is reflective, collaborative, evidence based and responsive to student diversity. We want children to leave our school well placed to succeed in their ongoing educational pathway.